<P align=center><P align=center><FONT face=仿宋_GB2312><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 22pt"><FONT color=#000000>“杂家”传奇</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>
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<P align=center><FONT face=宋体><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><FONT color=#000000>——《人民铁道》报编辑 胡安超</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>
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<P align=center><FONT face=宋体><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><FONT color=#000000>(本文原载《人民铁道》)</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>
<P></P><FONT face=宋体><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><FONT color=#000000>在成都的各种报刊杂志上,有一位经常“露面”的作者,他就是被报刊编辑誉为“杂家”,或“怪杰”的徐久隆,徐久隆是中铁二局集团机筑处的一名普通职工。平凡的外表很难与他“杂家”称呼联系在一起。但若你翻阅他那厚厚的十余本报刊发表作品剪贴集和几十件各等级的会员证书、获奖证书、奖状、奖杯,就会发现他爱好之广,钻研之深,他创作的散文、诗词、小说、曲艺、国画、漫画、素描、速写、摄影、科幻作品的类别如此繁多;而你若到他居室瞧瞧,就会看到他收藏的书籍、书画、邮票、石头、录象带、艺术扑克、电子元件、昆虫标本等各类物件之丰富,塞满了他和他儿子的卧室,用汗牛充栋来形容确不为过。这时,你就会认为他确实是个名副其实的“杂家”、“怪杰”。</FONT></FONT></FONT> <FONT color=#000000><FONT face=宋体><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">1958</FONT></FONT><FONT face=宋体><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">年,年仅12岁的徐久隆画了一幅漫画——《空中篮球赛》,不久,他的这幅处女作在贵州一家刊物上发表了。这激起了他对漫画艺术的追求,光阴荏苒,四、五十载,他先后在《贵州日报》、《国防风云》、《华西都市报》等全国数十家报刊上发表了400多幅漫画。成绩的背后,是心血的倾注。为了漫画创作,他常常三更半夜挑灯伏案沉思,画草图、拟标题。</FONT></FONT></FONT> <FONT face=宋体><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><FONT color=#000000>只读过9年书的徐久隆,在小的时候就经常独自对夜空冥想那些远得令人难以想象的星球,有着漫无边际的幻想,于是,正在读书的徐久隆在1955年创作了第一篇科幻小说——《一件有趣的事》,他在那篇科幻小说中描写了原子火箭登上月球的起始、发展和成功的过程。文笔虽不甚优美,但因想象力奇特,构思巧妙而获得编辑的好评。后来他这篇科幻作品不但发表在这刊物上,而且还获得嘉奖。徐久隆作为生活在社会底层的小人物,他甘愿寂寞,甘愿粗茶淡饭,对科幻事业始终忠贞不渝,矢志不移,共创作科幻小说近百篇。《科幻世界》、《奥秘》、《气功与体育》等20余家报刊杂志先后发表了他数十篇科幻文学作品。获全国科普动漫创作一等奖及其他省地奖项十余项。2002年,科幻长篇小说《倪妹魍魉》在全国公开发行。</FONT></FONT></FONT> <FONT face=宋体><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><FONT color=#000000>徐久隆是位昆虫迷,他对大自然的一切事物都富有好奇心。徐久隆观察研究书蠹虫长达20余年,多年观察研究书蠹虫的成果,完全可以发表一篇极有价值的论文,但他没有贸然行事,因为他知道任何研究成果都要历经多次验证方能定论。如今,徐久隆又养了两条书蠹虫,还要用十多年的时间来验证书蠹虫的变化过程。如果编写《吉尼斯世界大全》的人知道,徐久隆有可能会进入吉尼斯世界记录。</FONT></FONT></FONT> <FONT color=#000000><FONT face=宋体><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">1964</FONT></FONT><FONT face=宋体><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt">年,年仅18岁的徐久隆加入了修建成昆铁路的队伍,在他简单的行李当中,有一样令他非常珍爱且给他带来无限快乐的物件,一台利用自然矿石做检测器的矿石收音机。正是那最原始、最简陋的矿石电子元件,诱发他对电子技术的认识,并萌生浓厚的兴趣。到1978年,只有初中文化的徐久隆自学完了上海工人大学编写的四大部电子技术讲座,留下了两大柜电子元件和自制的电子产品。在他自制的电子产品中,有两件后来被成都科学技术学会下属的一个专门委员会出资研究并获得专利。1978年,他研制的电子琴也具备了自动打击乐伴奏功能,其成果在当时居全国领先地位,引起了很多人的兴趣。1980年初春,徐久隆参加湖南省和铁二局的文艺汇演,他用自制的电子琴演奏的节目获得大奖。1980年夏天,徐久隆随自己所在铁路施工单位迁入成都市,他购买了很多进口小电脑,被电脑的大小功能及机器语言的编程迷得每天只睡两三个小时,由于进口小电脑都是外文图符,给操作和运用带来诸多不便,他冥思苦想,不断实践,最后用中文代替了原来的外文图符,并自编设计了十多个中文显示的电子游戏节目软件。全国公开发行的《电子报》编辑看到后,十分欣赏,与此同时,徐久隆还忙里偷闲,撰写了《机器语言输入迪斯科节奏曲的方法和实例》的论文,在《电子报》上公开发表。</FONT></FONT></FONT> <FONT face=宋体><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><FONT color=#000000>徐久隆自幼受花鼓、金钱板、荷叶调等曲艺艺术熏陶,1965年入铁道部二局机筑处演出队;1970年调入政工组为多镜头幻灯制作工地新闻幻灯片;1973年调工会演出队任创作员、伴奏员、演员,多次参加省局级调演。其中《太空旅行》获湖南黔阳地区汇演舞美一等奖,自制电子琴独奏创作曲《月上苗岭》获局一等奖,创作歌曲《荷花与枫树》获演出和创作两项一等奖。1990年调处党委宣传科从事新闻报道、文艺创作、摄影录象工作,发表曲艺、摄影等作品近百篇,获一二三等奖十余项。</FONT></FONT></FONT> <FONT face=宋体><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><FONT color=#000000>其实,徐久隆特别爱好的还是绘画,犹长国画、速写、版画、宣传画等,从12岁开始发表美术作品到现在几十年来,各种绘画作品在全国各类报刊杂志共发表400余幅(件),创作的年画、国画、工笔画多次印刷为对开大小的彩图,在全国公开发行。曾参加纪念毛泽东“在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话”发表30周年美展及贵州、四川、湖南等省级以上美展,都获得各级奖项。</FONT></FONT></FONT> <FONT face=宋体><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><FONT color=#000000>徐久隆还是一个十足的文学、歌曲创作迷,在《花溪》、《成都晚报》、《青年作家》等数十家报刊杂志发表小说、报告文学、散文、诗词、歌曲数百篇(首)。他还是一个集邮迷,他收藏了清代的龙票,国内革命战争时期的边区票和近乎完整的建国后发行的各套邮票、小型张、首日封,为四川省第五届集邮展览设计了纪念封戳。他还是个舞迷,现仍是成都好几个民间舞蹈团体的舞编和舞蹈教练。</FONT></FONT></FONT> <FONT face=宋体><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><FONT color=#000000>迄今为止,徐久隆共发表各类作品1160余件,获各级奖百余次。现为铁二局文联理事及局文协秘书长,四川曲协、美协、科普作协、微型小说学会、科幻小说研究会、湖南美协、全国UFO协会等协会会员,并被《中国当代艺术界名人录》、《中国当代曲艺界名人录》收录。</FONT></FONT></FONT>
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<P align=left><FONT face=宋体><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt"><FONT color=#000000>人称“杂家”、“怪杰”的徐久隆,果然名不虚传。</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>
[ 本帖最后由 徐绘龙 于 2009-3-7 12:51 编辑 ] 转徐久隆部分资料 四川成都的科幻爱好者,当地铁道部门的宣传工作人员。在科幻小说出版物、科幻影视录相方面的收藏为国内之冠,被称为中国的阿克曼。本人也发表有短篇科幻小说。
Forest J Ackerman (1916-2008)
The Associated Press reports that Forest J Ackerman passed away in his Los Angeles home on Thursday, December 4, 2008. He had congestive heart failure and was preparing for the end at home where he could be happy, comfortable and surrounded by his friends. He was 92.
Forry was a Lifetime Active member of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.
Forrest J Ackerman (Also Known As: 4E, 4SJ, Uncle Forry, Mr. Science Fiction) (born November 24, 1916). Agent, editor, writer, life long fabulous friend. Normally the phrase he is best known for & comes into a piece like this on a person's life and loves. But, Forry is internationally loved and famous and best known for so many things that it would be hard to come up with just one.
He created the phrase "Sci-Fi" and coined several other terms. He did for the genre of SF and Horror what no one else could have done. He made it respectable. He inspired today's film makers to recreate some of the best "B" movies and make them "A" list blockbusters.
Good friends donated to his collection. Books, movies, stills, magazines and screen props that he has collected since he was about 9 or 10 packed this show place, an amazing 300,000 pieces of memorabilia.
Ackerman's private residence, an incredible 18 room mansion known as the Ackermansion, was called by the Smithsonian Institution one of the 10 best private museums in the country. Here are a few items: Ray Harryhausen donated the White House from Earth versus the Flying Saucer, Lon Chaney gave him the top hat and cane from London after Midnight, Bela Lugosi presented him with Dracula's cape and ring, King Kong's paw, the golden Idol that Indiana Jones stole in Raiders of the Lost Ark, Tribbles from Star Trek, and Yoda from Star Wars. Many others donated to his wonderful collection.
One of his favorite (if not his favorite) movies was Fritz Lang's Metropolis. Forry saw it over 100 times. The major focal piece in his living room, whose theme was Metropolis, was the larger than life size silver female robot, Maria, from the movie. He sold most of his collection to pay medical and legal expenses a few years ago, and moved into a smaller bungalow now called the Mini Ackermansion.
He attended the first World Science Fiction Convention in 1939 and wore the first costume to that convention. By my count has only missed 2 or 3 Worldcons. Forry also liked to do cameos in movies that his friends were making. He has done over 50 cameos and bit parts including Thriller with Michael Jackson, Amazon Women on the Moon, and Kentucky Fried Movie.
Forry didn't just collect; he created. He authored and edited numerous books and magazines, He created Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine in 1958, and the character Vampirella. His stories of his life's adventures were legendary, and his puns were fabulous. He once told me that he had read every last word in every book in his collection. When he got a new book for his collection, he would open it to the last page, and read the last word.
When he wasn't creating or collecting he was promoting the creativity of others. Forry was the literary agent for over 200 of the most famous authors and artist of our time, including A.E. Van Vogt, Isaac Asimov, Hugo Gernsbach, Ray Bradbury and Hanes Bok. Forry had a love of words and language that included being fluent in the language Esperanto. His boundless energy for traveling to conventions and signings was awe inspiring. He won a Hugo in 1953 for #1 fan, the First Fandom Hall of Fame Award in 1974, and The Bram Stoker Life Time Achievement Award in 1997. He was on the board of the Science Fiction Museum in Seattle, and part of his collection is on display there. He has his hand prints and autograph in the sidewalk outside the Vista Theatre in Hollywood. In true Forry style he not only received awards but he created and and for many years presented the E. Everett Evans Big Heart Award yearly at WorldCon during the Hugo ceremony.
Forry married Wendayne, a charming German girl, and together they brought the Perry Rhodan series over from Germany in the 1960s. Wendayne translated them into English for publication by ACE. The series is still active. Wendayne passed away in 1990 after being mugged in Italy.
We can all be comforted with the fact that Forrest J Ackermans passion for SF and Horror has made all the lives that he has touched vastly richer. He is now the guest of honor at the great SF Convention in the sky, and he is with together again with his beloved Wendayne. Rest in Peace dear friend.
Joan Marie Knappenberger
President of First Fandom
I spent short or long periods of time with Forry several times over the years. The longest was when he was in town for a film festival and I got to be his chauffeur for 8 or 9 days. I heard many great stories (and still recall some of his puns), but even with spending several hours a day with him, there were only three or four times that it felt like he wasn't "on." That I was talking with the real man.
Year later when his health had deteriorated, he returned to Kansas City for the World Horror Convention and I was his liaison and chauffeur. When I drove him back to the airport we were talking about how good Joe Moe was at helping care for him. I told Forry that he was lucky to have Joe and said that since I was single and had no children, I wouldn't have anyone one to look out for me when I grew older. Forry touched my hand and said "I will be there for you."
Keith Stokes
Posted December 5, 2008
[ 本帖最后由 徐久长 于 2008-12-9 22:15 编辑 ] :handshake :handshake :handshake :handshake 有英文。真厉害 太神奇了!
哀悼。。。。。。 一代怪杰:victory:
哀悼 叩谢宗亲的哀悼!! 博友爱上自娱自乐的哀悼文章
[ 本帖最后由 徐久长 于 2008-12-13 11:36 编辑 ] :L :L 病痛折磨人 一下就这么瘦了:(